A tachograph is a device that is put in vehicles such as lorries and coaches in order to record information such as how fast the vehicle goes, how far it travels, and the number of breaks the driver takes. Tachographs are either analogue or digital. Digital tachographs must be fitted to all vehicles.
Our purpose is to supply tachograph head units which are suitable for reconditioning. Tachographs available for delivery include various models by VDO.We specialise in the supply of many rare, difficult to find tachographs. If you're having trouble trying to locate a particularly difficult to source tachograph. |
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Analogue tachograph - KTCO 1318 (EC)
Analogue EC tachograph can be installed in cockpits with 140 mm diameter.
This modular tachograph complies with EU & RSA directive 3821/85. Also available in a non-EU version (according to 57a of the German StVZO, and for overseas markets). |
Modular Tachograph: MTCO 1324
This modular tachograph system complies with EU directive 3821/85.
The MTCO 1324 modular EC tachograph sets standards in performance, technology and design thanks to its separate display and recording elements. Speed and distance travelled, as well as driver-related data such as driving, working and rest times, are recorded on conventional, tamper proof paper charts.
Analogue tachograph: VDO KIENZLE 1311 and 1314
Compact design combined with microprocessor-controlled processing of measured values and analog recording are the main characteristics of the analogue tachograph 1311 / 1314.
Optimally used, it provides valuable data for both driver and fleet as a part of an integrated information system.
Optimized for scheduling, improved profitability and reduced operating costs are only a few examples of its efficiency. |
VDO KIENZLE 1319 Tachograph
The vdo kienzle 1319 sets new standards in respect of performance, technology and design by using separate indication and recording.
Speed indication is by means of the electronic speedometer or using an approved display functional ready integrated into the instrument cluster. |
VDO Tachograph Chart
Our VDO tachograph chart is an advanced storage medium, precisely manufactured to DIN ISO 9001.
Three simple methods of chart analysis can be used: optical, electronic and microscopic.
Tachograph charts: records data of speed and distance traveled, as well as driver’s work and rest times (up to 2MB)
Electronic analysis: evaluation of driver’s charts using our KISCAN analysis software
Optical analysis: provides complete overview of all important data (i.e., speed, time groups, distance traveled).
Microscopic analysis: provides objective analysis of data, permissible in court.
We also supply Tachograph Charts & All Accessories, we have qualified technicians who can fit & calibrate Tachographs. |
New generation digital tachographs
A new regulation will impact upon various aspects of digital tachograph laws, including specifying a 'new generation' unit which will be required to be fitted in new vehicles registered from around 2019 (specific date yet to be confirmed). The new tachograph units will include a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) source to produce a location stamp at start and end of driving and otherwise at three hour intervals, a wireless enforcement function to communicate to enforcement officers possible manipulation (but not driving and break data), and the integration with Intelligent Transport Systems such as telematics equipment.
Tachoraph Compliance
Use your tachographs to record your periods of driving, work and rest, plus distance travelled and vehicle speed. You can also use tachographs as an alternative to written records of domestic drivers' hours rules.
Tachographs are either analogue or digital. Digital tachographs must be fitted to all vehicles.
Drivers using an analogue tachograph must:
- check the time is set to the official time of the country in which the vehicle is registered
- make sure the tachograph doesn't need an inspection or recalibration by checking the seal is intact and the plaque is in date
- compete all centrefield details on every chart. However, the 'total km' field is not legally required to be completed
- use a chart that's compatible with the tachograph
- tell the operator if the tachograph is faulty or if they are unsure how to use it properly
- ensure the mode switch is set correctly throughout each shift
- make written manual entries when working away from the vehicle and unable to use the recording equipment, or if the rules have been broken because of an emergency
- record the registration number and odometer reading of any new vehicle used on the shift, together with the time of the vehicle changeover
- be able to produce the relevant records at the roadside
- return charts, which they are not required to keep, to the O licence holder as soon as possible, but in any case within 42 days
Drivers using a digital tachograph must:
- check that the tachograph doesn't need a recalibration
- ensure there are sufficient supplies of print roll on board the vehicle after inserting the driver card, plus complete any data entry manual records in UTC and confirm the start location as instructed by the equipment
- ensure the mode switch is set correctly throughout their shift
- tell the operator if the tachograph is faulty or if they're unsure how to use it properly
- make a printout and provide written manual entries if it's impossible for them to use their card, the rules have been broken due to an emergency, or an enforcement officer requests it (they may also be asked to sign that it's a true record)
- be able to produce the relevant records at the roadside
- allow the operator to download data from their card
Telephone: 011 326 4146 |
Cellphone: 082 375 3280 |
E-mail: adriang@lantic.net